Cultivation employee
You step into the greenhouse. The air feels damp, and the tomato plants are growing strong. The paprikas make the scene with their different colours. You tend to these crops by watering and fertilising them. You check the quality and health of the plants and take measures when necessary. You also pay attention to the greenhouse climate. Are the current humidity and temperature the right conditions? From start to finish your work matters for the growth of the vegetables and other plants. You enjoy this. And that’s why you want to work as a cultivation employee.
Cultivation employee vacancies
What we offer
Next to appreciation and personal guidance
- Hourly wage of €12 – €14 per hour
- Possibilities to grow in the greenhouse cultivation
Caring cultivators
Your morning starts at 7 or 8. Depending on the season and on the weather. Plant and vegetable care are your core responsibilities. Your daily activities are:
- Tending to plants
- Watering and fertilising vegetables.
- Sowing new seedlings
- Harvesting
- Checking greenhouse climate + plant and soil quality
- Cleaning the greenhouse
Extra responsibilities at work
When your attitude and work ethic really satisfy our clients, you can consider growing as a professional. You can obtain a spraying license to protect crops against disease and harmful pests. Or learn more about plant nutrition and optimal growth circumstances. If you want to have more responsibilities while working as a cultivation employee, do your best at work. Together we will discuss the possibilities!
A passion for plants
During work you radiate energy, in a greenhouse or outside. As cultivation employee there’s work all year round. Even without any education or experience. Your love for everything that grows and blooms makes you an irreplaceable workforce. And you obtain experience while working of course! If the work really suits you and you want to learn more about it, then AB Midden Nederland can help you. We offer courses in quality control and to obtain a spraying license, for example. Show your skills in cultivation and apply on one of the job openings.