Payment & Salary
When you decide to go to the Netherlands for work you want to know everything about the payment you receive. AB Midden Nederland helps you understand what the requirements are to receive your salary. We have outlined the most important information regarding your payment.
Your salary always depends on the CAO. The CAO (collective labour agreement) is a document of arrangements between employers and employees. Different sectors use different CAOs. Salaries are included in this CAO, which complements the individual agreement between you and your employer.
The vacancies on our website give an indication of your hourly wage during various jobs. By law, the salary you receive will be equal to other people doing the same job. The costs of your house and insurance will be deducted from the payment. Lawful compensations and costs for travel with a private car are added to your payslip. The amount that remains is transferred to your bank account.
Registering: how it works
You will receive a link by e-mail to register at AB Midden Nederland. This will direct you to Mijn AB, which is an app for smartphones or a webpage on computers. Here we will draw up a contract which you need to sign. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive payment on your bank account. The following things are necessary for the contract:
- ID card or passport
- Copy of your original BSN application
- Copy of your bank card
- CV
*You can only receive payment with a valid BSN. A coordinator will assist you in applying for your BSN together with you at the local government offices. This might take 2 to 3 weeks. For that reason, we advise you to bring enough money for the first few weeks. There is no cost for issuing this document.
When you register at AB Midden Nederland, you can upload these documents. If you need help with this, contact your coordinator. A contract will be drawn up afterward. This contract is signed by your coordinator and sent to you for signing. Payment is every week on Thursday afternoon. If you have payment questions, please contact our administration department or your coordinator by phone/e-mail.
Filling in working hours
The hours you work must be filled in at Mijn AB. The same Mijn AB where your contract is uploaded. These hours are checked and then accepted or corrected. There are 2 different ways hours can be registered.
- Enter your hoursyourself, before Monday, via Mijn AB. After our verification, we will process
your hours. - Your hours are sent to us bythe company where you work. We process the hours in Mijn AB. You don’t have to do anything. Contact us if there are any mistakes.
- The company where you work enters your hours. We check and process the hours. You do not have to do anything. Contact us if there are any mistakes.
Additional information
Do you want to know more about working in The Netherlands? Read everything about housing, transport and insurance. You can also contact us directly by submitting the form below.
Already working for us?
For any questions regarding payment, don’t hesitate to approach us directly. Send your coordinator a message on WhatsApp or by e-mail. Contact our administration department by e-mail if you need more information on payment, filling in working hours or the Mijn AB portal.
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